Powerfull AI Tools

The chatbot that has taken the globe by storm is CHATGPT, and if you are familiar with the most recent advancements in AI, you may already be aware of it. Since its release, the AI chatbot has generated a lot of buzz and changed how we conduct online searches. Just like Chatgpt there are other AI tools that you need to be aware of that can change a lot of things for you.

1. Ghostwrite Browser Extension  

An AI email writing assistance powered by ChatGPT. Writing assistance for emails powered by ChatGPT AI. Your emails are written by an AI called GhostWrite using ChatGPT and other AI technologies. With just a few words, you may immediately compose, reply, and write emails. GhostWrite AI automates writing using artificial intelligence so you can focus more time on important things.

Go to the below link and add the Ghostwrite extension to your browser

You will land on the following page after clicking the link, where you must first register. then include the browser Extension. 

After adding the extension to the browser open your email and start writing an email. ghostwrite will help you write emails very easily.

2. Tome App:

Tome is an AI-powered storytelling format that combines text, audio, and visual elements to create immersive and interactive stories. It is designed to be a personalized storytelling experience, where the user can choose their own path through the story and interact with the characters and the world around them. it creates PowerPoint presentations on a certain topic and incorporates photographs from the collections. The presentation can be modified to suit your needs and preferences.                       
Go to the above link and then sign in using your email account. 
After Signing in you have to create your workspace and you can start working on your presentations. here is an example of an AI-generated presentation on the Decentralised Healthcare Management System.

3. Scribehow: 

ScribeHow Is a web-based platform designed to help individuals and teams create, manage, and share documentation, including SOPs and screenshots. The platform allows users to easily create step-by-step guides, knowledge base articles, and other types of documentation using a simple editor. ScribeHow also supports collaboration, allowing multiple users to work together on creating and editing documents.

Download the Scribehow browser extension.
After downloading the extension you have to create your account. After creating the account you will be landed on the below page.

you can start working on your documentation.

4. Codeium:

 Free AI-powered code acceleration. Codeium is the modern coding superpower, a free code acceleration toolkit built on cutting-edge AI technology. Currently, Codeium provides code completion tools in over 20+ languages, with lightning-fast speeds and state-of-the-art suggestion quality. 

Codeium Interface.

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